• ID Badge  & Dress Code Policies. For additional policies please visit "Academic Info" folder for additional policies.

    In order to maintain excellence at the Bay Academy, we would like to remind parents/guardians and students of the following:


    ID Badge 

    All students MUST wear an ID Bagde every day. 

    Cell Phone Use

    Although students are allowed to have cell phones in school, they are not permitted to have them on or use them between the hours of 7:40AM - 2:00PM. Students are granted the privilege to use their cell phones during morning arrival and dismissal. 

    Parents/Guardians are asked to please remind your child of their responsibility in following this rule. Any child caught using their cell phone, during school hours, will have the phone confiscated and held by an assistant principal, until a parent/guardian personally retrieves it.

    Dress Code

    Proper school attire is required at all times. School is a serious place of learning and business. Students are expected to come to school dressed appropriately in clean and neat attire.

    Unacceptable attire includes but is not limited to clothing that does not provide coverage of the torso, undergarments and private parts, including see-through clothing.