

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Debra Pinto

Welcome to my home page, below is just a tidbit of information about myself. As we embark on our journey throughout the 2018/2019 Academic Year, I felt the need to share some vital information about my education, teaching philosophy and extra curricular activities. Formal Education: Pace University - B.S. in Accounting/Finance Minor in Business Law, College of Staten Island - M.A. in Education. I'm a certified/tenured K-8 Teacher in Common Branch, with Computer Certification. I've been teaching for 17 years and have been at The Bay Academy for 7 years. I truly enjoy coming to work everyday and teaching your children. My teaching philosophy is: that all students can achieve anything they set out to do, as long as they're given the correct tools. It's wonderful to see the strides these students make as they connect between the real world and technology. When I'm not in the classroom I love to travel and watch my sons play soccer. My family is everything to me. We spend many weekends at family functions, as well as, a lot of sporting events. Looking forward to a fantastic school year.